Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
The Vision of Tergar Asia is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to the modern world.
What does Tergar Asia focus on?
Established in 2010, Tergar Asia Foundation is the official Non-profit organization for Mingyur Rinpoche in Asia and focus on
- Popularize meditation
- Benefits all beings with Dharma
- Preserve lineage
- Actualize teachings
成立於 2010年,是 「詠給明就仁波切」 將古老的禪修練習介紹給現今社會的正式亞洲區非營利組織。亞洲德噶致力
- 普及禪修
- 以法利眾
- 守護傳承
- 實踐教導
Tergar Limited is a registered charitable institution, also known as Tergar Asia Foundation, Tergar Institute, Tergar Meditation Centre H.K., Tergar Patron Foundation.